Branding | Graphic Design

Case Study
Swans Hotel & Brewpub

The old becomes the new

Swans Hotel & Brewpub is the second oldest Brewpub in Vancouver Island, located in beautiful Victoria BC. Swans had it all; award winning craft beer, a beautiful boutique hotel and a timeless Brewpub. All of these right in downtown Victoria. But it was clear there was something missing; the memories of the great old days were soon becoming a ghost from the past. After working with the folks at Swans, a large body of creative work from Rocha Creative gave Swans the refresh that is was desperately needing. Our work now adorns beer labels, pub menus, coasters,  hotel signage and everything else you can think of in terms of branding and marketing materials.

Venerator Beer poster
Logo on textured paper with a pen on the side.
Flywheel exterior sign mockup

Creative Process

It soon became clear that the product was there, but the message was not – or at least the message was no longer being heard. Time waits for no one- and this was no different for Swans. After countless batches of beer and many more pints the old swan song was slowly fading away.

Craft since 89′

Swans had been producing Craft Beer before Craft was even a thing, in fact this was all they had ever done. But the message was not being heard, and the bear not drank by the new thirsty crowds seeking everything-craft-beer. The brand was fading. A new series of branding concepts were proposed and finally put out there for the crowd to see – Swans Brewpub – Craft Since 89′.

Creativity that took flight

Swans had a long way to go in order to update its brand to the new age of craft beer. Fortunately, Swans was finding solid footing to take flight once again under new management. During a long lasting collaboration with Swans Hotel & Brewpub a great body of creative work and projects were accomplished. Some of these include; new branding, logos, packaging, t-shirt designs, collateral materials for both brewery and brewpub, and so much more.

Guilty Pleasure | Raspberry Blond Ale

Venerator | Doppelbock

Regal Standard | Scotch Ale

Pitch Black | Chamomile Black Pilsner

Muy Hoppy IPA | India Pale Ale

Hopmosphere | Hazy IPA

Chico Nico | American Pale Ale

Coconut Porter | Fruit Porter

Biere de Garde | Brewpub Series

Abbey Tripel | Brewpub Series

Pepper Blond | Brewpub Series

Vikes Lager | Special Edition

Stick it on & start selling

Numerous fully illustrated labels were produced to gain market share into what seemed a sea of new breweries in town. The printers kept running and so did the bottling machine.  Various beer series such as; core brands, seasonal beers, and special releases where just part of some of the projects that allowed us to grow the brand. Swans had reached new heights.

“There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration by injected humour.”

Mitch Skolnik

Operation Director, Elegant Themes

Beer posters large

What’s next

Our work at Swans continues to speak the voice of Swans, we are pleased to know that this company is able to carry on with what is now simply called business as usual.

We will continue to support this brand which is now close to our hearts and thirsty bellies for their wonderful beer. It continues to be a pleasure to collaborate with amazing brands such as Swans which have left a mark and have helped us grow into who we are now. Cheers! 

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